Information about DBA Specialzations


Tuition fees

4.000 €

Information about study ​

The Executive DBA specialization offers students the most up-to-date knowledge and trends in the field of modern management. It is highly focused on senior managers in senior management positions. Students of our Executive DBA program will learn not only the most up-to-date information in the field of modern management, but also the most advanced skills applicable in corporate practice. Students will be informed and acquainted with current trends and innovations in executive management. They will also learn about the new direction of digitization and the associated automation of production and services.

Students will be able to define basic concepts of quality management and their risks and will receive practical advice for improving the functionality and performance of business processes.

DBA Healthcare

Tuition fees

4.000 €

Information about study ​

The DBA specialization in Healthcare provides our students with the most up-to-date information and trends in the field of health care and top health management and expands their previously acquired knowledge and experience, not only from MBA studies. You will be informed about the latest trends in health management and you will learn information before your competitors. You will learn to use the practical advice and experience of lecturers who will introduce you to the full range of possibilities for grant management, you will get experienced advice for solving long-term strategies and no small part will be devoted to familiarizing yourself with legislation in this field.

This DBA degree in Healthcare is highly popular in the social and health spheres.


Tuition fees

4.000 €

Information about study ​

Our specialization in the DBA Business Management program utilizes the latest academic standard methodologies and strengthens them as a strength that brings you a highly versatile learning experience. Our academically challenging course is designed for experienced managers who face career challenges and are looking for progress and advancement. The aim of this specialization is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and experience to prepare and execute business operations, as well as teach you the art of customer relationship management and show you the secrets of sales skills.

Students of DBA Business Management are given expert knowledge on business strategy and tactics planning, legal aspects of sales activities and above all on customer relationship management, as the customer is the most important concept of this issue. It is not possible to study this program without a previous MBA.


Tuition fees

4.000 €

Information about study ​

As part of the study of this specialization, HR Management will provide you with comprehensive knowledge of management and leadership at the highest level, which should be available to every modern manager at the highest level.

The student will learn to think strategically and manage projects, to face change and to use the potential of innovation to the maximum. You will also learn how to develop your own personality and be more effective, successful and satisfied not only in professional but also in personal life. You will also gain comprehensive knowledge of personnel management, including the latest trends such as the use of the results of neuroscience research, emotional, social and conversational intelligence in working with change, conflict and decision-making.

You will learn how to respond to future developments of communication technologies, robotics or intergenerational renewal within HR Management.

Benefits of the study​

Postgraduate studies at our university are based on teaching of subjects by experts. These experts are able to give students not only theoretical knowledge, but above all years of practical experience.

Students have the opportunity to choose from specific fields of study and specializations that we teach in Czech, Slovak, English and Russian, which further enables them to develop their language skills and abilities appropriate to your profession and field of study.

Another priority of studying at our University is to gain an advantage over your colleagues or possibly competing job applicants who only have a university degree.

Thus, some of the degrees we offer may not only help you to get a promotion or a better position in the company where you work, but may also significantly increase your value when looking for a new job or attending a selection process, and may also help you to get a higher financial reward.


Length of study:

3 - 4 semesters

Language of study:

Czech, Slovak, Russian, English

Place of study:

On-line, Practical teaching according to the teaching district.

Organization of study:

The study takes place only on Saturdays, or the possibility of changing the dates of implementation of the educational program by agreement in the group.

Price per study:

4.000 € (price is final, does not change during the course of the study)

Admission conditions:

Completion of a first or second degree or professional experience in the field.

The certificate of successful completion of the vocational training programme is a certificate of completion of courses in the language of instruction and in English.


Organizational Theory​

Personnel Practices and Relations​

Diversity in the Workplace​

Leadership and Communication​

Managing and Organizing People​

Legal Systems, Labor Relations and Regulatory Practices​


Theories of Leadership​

Human Resource Management​

Sociology of Education​

Cross-Cultural Management​

Adult Learning and Motivation​

Psychology seminar​

Organization Theory​

Communications skills​


Make your future self proud

What do our students say?

Antonín Š. 48 let

státní zaměstnanec

Studoval jsem MBA a byl jsem poměrně hodně překvapen informacemi, které jsem dostal a to jsem si myslel, že o svém oboru něco vím. No, nevěděl jsem. Doporučuji pro profesionalitu, lektory a systém výuky.

Tomáš F., 32 let

majitel firmy

Pro studium na EUME jsem se rozhodl především na základě doporučení mého kamaráda, který sám hledal studium a vše pečlivě analyzoval. Studium na EUME mě jen utvrdilo v tom, že bych se v něm chtěl dál rozvíjet a proto i dále pokračuji na DBA. Studium bych určitě doporučil. Kvalita lektorů a systém výuky je na velmi vysoké úrovni.

Jan D. 66 let

ředitel střední školy

S odstupem času hodnotím studium na EUME jako vysoce efektivní. Některé poznatky ze studia jsem již aplikoval na naší škole a byly přijaty velmi pozitivně. Studium M.Ed. moc škol nenabízí, ale díky kolegovi jsem našel EUME a jsem rád, že jsem takto zvolil. Jako ředitele mne velmi překvapila
profesionální úroveň lektorů a obsah přednášek. I skrze mé velké pracovní vytížení jsem mohl v klidu studovat to, co mě baví a naplňuje. DOPORUČUJI!!

Lenka Ch. 57 let

zástupce ředitele Gymnázia

Studium na EUME bylo obohacením o praktické zkušenosti. Pozitivem je velmi vstřícný a milý přístup jednotlivých lektorů znající podrobnou problematiku řešených situací z praktického hlediska. Dále velmi kladně hodnotím výběr předmětů v rámci specializace. Mé poděkování patří všem z EUME za velmi příjemnou atmosféru během studia. Tuto školu vřele doporučuji a s velkým D.


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