The Study and Examination Regulations govern the rights and obligations of the Eastern University of Management and Education in professional education programs and the rights and obligations of the student.
The curriculum is divided from two to four semesters, depending on the specification and programme. Terms and training modules are set by EUME for the semester at the latest by the start date and made available to students on the EUME website.
Eligible for admission to professional education programmes is a candidate who submits proof of completion of secondary, bachelor’s or master’s level of higher education, or of prior post-graduate education, together with a structured professional curriculum vitae, as required. The documents must be submitted in the prescribed form, first electronically for approval and then together with the application, but no later than on the date of commencement of studies at EUME. For higher education obtained at a foreign higher education institution (outside the EU), the candidate is required to submit at the same time the legal documents of his or her education, apostille and legal clause. This obligation does not apply to higher education obtained in the EU. The Director of EUME shall inform the candidate of his or her inclusion for study within 5 days of the submission of all the required documents.
EUME ensures high-quality professional education through teachers who are guaranteed professional knowledge, pedagogical skills, experience and skills, as well as relevant experience in the field. For each semester, the educators of the relevant training modules shall be designated by EUME at the latest by the date of the beginning of the semester. This is without prejudice to the possibility of a change in the person of the educators during the course of study. The relevant study materials shall be made available to students during the course of the course by the relevant educators, where appropriate in electronic form. The training programme shall be carried out in a combined form with one-day sessions at monthly intervals. In order to fulfil the study obligations under the EUME study and examination regulations and the instructions of the Director of EUME, students shall be assisted during the course of study by the Study Affairs Unit, the relevant teaching staff, in the form of personal consultations, where appropriate via electronic communication.
Advance to the next semester of study is possible after fulfilment of all study obligations in the given semester and payment of the administrative fee and settlement of all claims to EUME. The student is informed about the fulfilment of the conditions and the inclusion of the student into the next semester by the Student Affairs Department.The student can be accepted conditionally into the next semester after payment of the administrative fee, but with late fulfilment of study obligations according to Art. 5 within one month from the due date of fulfilment of study obligations. The student asks for conditional acceptance by the Director of EUME, who decides on the matter.
The fulfilment of study duties is monitored during the semester and at the end of the education through the Study Affairs Department and the Director of EUME. The regular completion of the educational module in the prescribed form according to the Study and Examination Regulations is considered as an ongoing form of control of the fulfilment of study duties. The final form of the final control is the defence Final thesis and final examination.
Individual educational modules are completed in the prescribed form, with a seminar paper or a written test. The evaluation of the seminar paper or written test is carried out by the lecturer of the subject and is carried out in the following classification scale:93 % – 100 % A 490 % – 92 % A – 3.8387 % – 89 % B + 3.6782 % – 86 % B 3.3377 % – 81 % B – 372 % – 76 % C + 2.8369 % – 71 % C 2.566 % – 68 % C – 2.260 % – 65 % D 2<60 % F 0(Grades are marked from A-F, A being Excelent, C being Satisfactory and F being Fail)
In the case of an evaluation of a seminar work or written test by a teacher with the grade F – unsatisfactory, the student is obliged to revise the work or pass another term written by the teacher for passing a written test. The student is informed about the result of the evaluation in the specified dates by the Student Affairs Department.
The exam period shall be announced by the Director of EUME. The dates are set out in the schedule of the semester, which is published on the EUME website. A student who fails to fulfil study obligations of the semester until the end of the semester may, via the Student Affairs Unit, apply in writing to the Director of EUME for the possibility of fulfilling the relevant study obligations after the end of the exam period, but no later than the end of the relevant teaching year. The extension of the exam period is possible for a maximum of one month. The extension of the exam period is subject to a fee according to the EUME Fee Schedule. Two standard attempts within the exam period are provided for fulfilling the study obligations of each educational module. In the event that the study obligations are not fulfilled during these two attempts, the student may apply to the Director of EUME for an emergency correction attempt through the Student Affairs Unit. If the student fails to fulfil his or her learning obligations from one or more learning modules, he or she may apply to the EUME Director for repetition of the learning module(s) in writing through the Study Affairs Unit. An emergency correction attempt and repetition of the learning module shall be subject to a fee in accordance with the EUME Fee Schedule.
The assessment of the final examination shall be carried out by a panel appointed by the Director of EUME. The final assessment shall be carried out in a classification scale. Only the final thesis, which is recommended for defence on the basis of an assessment by an opponent approved by EUME, may be accepted for defence.
A student who has completed a vocational training programme or a full part of it corresponding to the content of the EUME training programme at another school may, at his request, be recognised as having completed a full part of his or her studies or as individual learning modules. Recognition of a full part of a training programme may be conditional on the completion of a difference examination. Recognition of part of the training programme or of its individual learning modules shall be decided by the Regional Director of EUME.
Completion of individual educational modules is realized in the form of original written seminar work, in the range of 5-10 standard pages, which the student prepares within each graduated educational module, or in the form of passing a written test. In order to objectively assess the study results, the seminar work is archived for 1 year at EUME.
EUME reserves the right to compare the text of the seminar work using online tools for detecting plagiarism. Any plagiarism is completely unacceptable and in the case of finding that the text matches in more than 15% with the text previously published, plagiarism of the student will lead to unilateral termination of study by EUME, without any claim for reimbursement of any amount for study. The requirements for processing the seminar work are specified in the methodology for processing the seminar and diploma and dissertation work issued by EUME.
The final thesis demonstrates the student’s ability to work independently in a creative way. The final thesis is written in the language of the country where it is taught or in English. EUME reserves the right to compare the text of the final thesis using online tools for detecting plagiarism. Any plagiarism is completely unacceptable and, if found, will lead to a unilateral termination of study by EUME. Matching a text previously published by someone else is permissible only if it is a follow-up and extending final thesis. The manual and requirements for processing the final theses are further specified in the methodology for processing the seminar and final theses issued by EUME.
For serious reasons, a student may apply to the Director of EUME through the Student Affairs Unit for a study break. The decision on the study break shall be taken by the Director of EUME no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the application at the Student Affairs Unit. The student shall automatically continue his or her studies at the earliest possible date of the relevant educational programme after the end of the period for which the study was interrupted. It is possible to interrupt studies no more than once. It is possible to interrupt studies for a maximum of 12 months. Interruption of studies is subject to a fee according to the EUME Fee Schedule.
In vocational education programmes, the study ends with the proper fulfilment of all the prescribed study obligations of the relevant educational programme. The day of the proper completion of the study is the day on which the final examination was successfully completed and the Final Work defended. A student who has successfully completed all modules of the relevant educational programme, defended the Final Work, successfully passed the final examination and fulfilled all other possible obligations towards the EUME (in particular the payment of the relevant administrative fees according to the Schedule of Fees), is awarded the relevant professional title and a certificate of completion of the professional education programme and a certificate of the completed educational modules is issued. The certificate is handed over at a ceremonial graduation act organised by the EUME. Early completion of the study is possible by unilateral termination of the study by the EUME for non-fulfilment of study obligations and obligations arising from the payment of administrative fees according to the Schedule of Fees of the EUME. In case of early termination of study, the student is obliged to pay the administrative fee for the whole educational programme in full, at the latest by the day of termination of study. The student has the possibility to terminate study unilaterally in writing at any time during study, without giving a reason, but this does not release him from the obligation to pay the administrative fee for the whole educational programme in full, at the latest by the day of termination of study.
These Regulations were approved by the College of the EUME Director on 12 August 2021.
These Regulations shall take effect on 1 September 2021
The modification or amendment of the Study and Examination Regulations shall be the exclusive right of EUME.
Studoval jsem MBA a byl jsem poměrně hodně překvapen informacemi, které jsem dostal a to jsem si myslel, že o svém oboru něco vím. No, nevěděl jsem. Doporučuji pro profesionalitu, lektory a systém výuky.
Pro studium na EUME jsem se rozhodl především na základě doporučení mého kamaráda, který sám hledal studium a vše pečlivě analyzoval. Studium na EUME mě jen utvrdilo v tom, že bych se v něm chtěl dál rozvíjet a proto i dále pokračuji na DBA. Studium bych určitě doporučil. Kvalita lektorů a systém výuky je na velmi vysoké úrovni.
S odstupem času hodnotím studium na EUME jako vysoce efektivní. Některé poznatky ze studia jsem již aplikoval na naší škole a byly přijaty velmi pozitivně. Studium M.Ed. moc škol nenabízí, ale díky kolegovi jsem našel EUME a jsem rád, že jsem takto zvolil. Jako ředitele mne velmi překvapila
profesionální úroveň lektorů a obsah přednášek. I skrze mé velké pracovní vytížení jsem mohl v klidu studovat to, co mě baví a naplňuje. DOPORUČUJI!!
Studium na EUME bylo obohacením o praktické zkušenosti. Pozitivem je velmi vstřícný a milý přístup jednotlivých lektorů znající podrobnou problematiku řešených situací z praktického hlediska. Dále velmi kladně hodnotím výběr předmětů v rámci specializace. Mé poděkování patří všem z EUME za velmi příjemnou atmosféru během studia. Tuto školu vřele doporučuji a s velkým D.
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